For some time already, I have desist from shopping at the local shops simply because (i) I find that the variety is boring - new malls pop up but the stores that occupy within are always the same (ii) I can find great value for money for the items I like online instead! Many a times, I have checked out prices for shoes online and compared it to the local stores e.g. Alexander Wang, and I realised that the local shops are just ripping us off!
That said, I could not resist this sms that came to me today, on On Pedder's Final Clearance Sale. Today was the last day. And look what treasures I found....
Pierre Hardy Platforms at 50% off!
There is a story behind these shoes actually - I went into the shoe boutique looking out for my favourite brands and I was kinda disappointed at the selection of Pierre Hardy available. I have one pair already and I simply think they are wonderful, so I was looking to snag another at a gd price. Then I tried on these Kirkwoods (below), and was prancing around in them trying to do a balancing act, and wondering whether I can actually carry it off, and there was this nice lady who commented in an accented English, that the shoe is amazing and looks wonderful on me! So we started a conversation about shoes, and she was kinda pally with the SA that was coincidentally serving both of us, and she shared with me how she liked the rock-chic type of shoe, and I exclaimed that I too liked those shoes! And her SA brought out this fab pair of Pierre Hardy that he obviously kept for her, since they were not on display. And I ogled at her as she put on the shoe, and exclaimed that they were really funky and nice. And guess wad, the SA said "I kept 2 size 39s, so there is still 1 pair available behind", AND.....who would have guessed it, 39 was moi size! HAHA! I was joyous over the moon!! And it is so amazingly stable this shoe, the nice lady swears we can run around in them! I lurrrve it! So edgey! So me! Now I think I can also zing it up if I wear a pair of black socks underneath....
Next on, I was contemplating on this pair of babies. I have been DYING for a pair of Kirkwoods for a looongggg time. I have another pair of Kirkwoods but they were before he started doing these architectural shoes, and I picked those up at some Club 21/The Link clearance sale for like $200 bucks. So I have been eyeing for a pair of his trademark heels for some time, and you know how expensive they are at retail price, so yes yes, I know, I bought them and I'm not sure if I can wear them at all but I'll frame it up and display it as my shoe conquest nevertheless! I LOVE THEM!!!!

Till the next GSS!!
v jel xx...