Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sydney & Paperbarkcamp

So I went to Sydney in early Apr cos the hubby had to be there for some work stuff and I planned the trip - a drive down Grand Pacific Coast followed by the highlight of the trip which was a stay at Paperbarkcamp!

View from BaldHill along Grand Pacific Coast - Amazing! We spotted many people were doing hang gliding from the hill

Paperbarkcamp - Our tent called Gang Gang (some local animal)

No locks to the 'doors'!

The only nice part of the tent - the bed!

The toilet that was exposed to the elements - we had to shower before the sun AND temperature went down in the night! And the animals come out to play!

The main dining/reception area

Surroundings in the camp

The dining area is a famous restaurant called Gyunah

They have alot of local mammals around - we spotted a wild kangeroo on the drive in, and the house possum dropped by during dinner (just a big rat with a squirrel tail!)

Down by the sea

That's me

Most comfy pair of shoes ever! Repetto!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Lazy Weekend

Caught "Shutter Island" and pondered about the ending; Did gardening for 3 hours till my back ached and nails were infused with soil; Got depressed thinking about the meaning of my life; Contemplated selling another bag on eBay; Went to the gym; Dinner with the folks...and now officially having Monday bluezz...

My lemon tree! Pretty not? - I was using up so many lemons till I figured I'd be better off trying to grow a sapling and reaping the fruits of my (or rather its) labour!

Calla Lily I planted. Another beauty.

Humongous tuna fish eye the Chef offered us at dinner yesterday. Talk about loving exotic foods, can't imagine crunching into this socket!!

Just posted this for sale on eBay! Feel free to make me an offer =)


Friday, April 23, 2010


Wish I were here instead......


I am on a ban.

Because of you.

Somehow (are you even surprised) it didn't last, because of you two! How can I resist these 2 babies from my favourite local shoe shop! Complete with leopard prints on the sole! Yoohoo!

Modelling pics

Presenting my Balenciaga family - 06 Work in dark blue inky colour (not sure what the official name is), 07 clutch in Flourescent Yellow, and 2010 Part Time in Light Olive

Note to self: Must improve photography skills (and get a new camera?)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My 1st Post

Alas! I have succumbed to the hype of blogging and have created my own blog space. Well, basically out of sheer boredom at work and surfing other inspirational fashion blogs.

The fashion junkie as I am, and as bored as I was, I took a lousy shot of my new Alexander Wang boots that I wore to work today. Perfect as it looks, it 'bit' me on my toe whilst I was out trotting it about this morn and I ended up wearing flip-flops the entire day. Nevertheless, still love it to bits. Shout out to my pal who helped me receive the shipment so the hubby doesn't know =P

There! My very 1st post! =)
